Educational Material for free download
The Educational Materials below have been developed in the frame of different EU-funded projects, in cooperation with numerous partners throughout Europe.
Who are these materials intended for?
Musicians, music teachers, general education teachers and non-formal music educators working with children and young people from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds and children and young people with a migrant background.
Feel free to download and use these materials, we hope they will be an inspiration to your work!
The toolkits below have been developed under the project “M.U.S.E.: Music Unites through Social Equity”, co-funded by the Preparatory Action ‘Music Moves Europe’ by the European Union.
These toolkits present five different approaches of using non-formal methodologies for music education, offering a valuable resource for professional development to youth professionals working with students with less opportunities, and especially students of migrant and refugee background.
- M.U.S.E.: Community Music Workshops Toolkit – DOWNLOAD
- M.U.S.E.: Upcycling Music Band Workshops Toolkit – DOWNLOAD
- M.U.S.E.: Songwriting Workshops Toolkit – DOWNLOAD
- M.U.S.E.: Creative Music Technology Workshops Toolkit – DOWNLOAD
- M.U.S.E.: World Music Choir Workshops Toolkit- DOWNLOAD
- M.U.S.E.: Comprehensive Toolkit – DOWNLOAD
Music for Active Citizenship: a Young Music Mentors Program – MAC – is an Erasmus+ project jointly implemented by Sistema Cyprus and El Sistema Greece.
The main purpose of the program is to use music education as a tool for the social integration of refugees and migrants, but also, more generally, for the acceptance of diversity and social change. MAC is a complete educational program containing both the basic theoretical principles of community music and the El Sistema program, as well as a multitude of educational activities with all the necessary supervisory materials and audio-visual media.
Since the completion of the program and its evaluation, the MAC training manual is made available here for music educators around the world to access it online:
- MAC Training Package for Young Music Mentors (ENGLISH) – DOWNLOAD
- MAC Training Package for Young Music Mentors (GREEK) – DOWNLOAD
- MAC Evaluation Report (ENGLISH) – DOWNLOAD
- MAC Evaluation Report (GREEK) – DOWNLOAD
The E-Learning Platform is addressed to young musicians and can be accessed through HERE

The E-Learning Platform is addressed to youth workers and can be accessed through HERE

The Art4All curriculum includes three modules: Module 1: Music, Module 2: Theatre and Module 3: Visual Arts. Sistema Cyprus was responsible for Music. The Manual is a guide to apply the Art4All curriculum.
The Mobile Application is addressed to young people and can be accessed through HERE.
All materials are available in: English, Greek, Bulgarian and German.
Find out more about the project:
Creating Inclusive Youth Orchestras: a Methodology has been developed under the project “ECHOS: inclusivE european youth orCHestras fOr SocIal cohesion: Building just and resilient music Ecosystems”. ECHOS is an action awarded by MusicAIRE (An Innovative Recovery for Europe), co-funded by the EU under Music Moves Europe, and managed by the INOVA+ and the European Music Council consortium.
The methodology developed seeks to contribute to the capacity building for the sustainability of the music ecosystem in Europe by increasing diversity in youth orchestras. The methodology is addressed to music operators, artistic directors, instrumental teachers and music professionals from European youth orchestra organisations and youth music ensembles that would like to strengthen their capacity and increase the diversity levels in their organisations.